Pozrite sa na niektoré z kľúčových funkcií LiveAgenta. Zlepšite svoj manažment znalostí pomocou zákazníckeho portálu. Použite tiketing ako nástroj na riadenie vzťahov so zákazníkmi. Majte prehľad o poskytovaní služieb zákazníkom vďaka bezproblémovej distribúcii tiketov.
Výhody kalkulačky
Pozrite si výhody používania našej cenovej kalkulačky a zistite, ako vám môže pomôcť zlepšiť vašu zákaznícku podporu.
Nájdite si ideálne riešenie helpdesku v 5 jednoduchých krokoch pomocou našej cenovej kalkulačky.
Porovnajte viac ako 70 populárnych riešení technickej podpory a nájdite najlepšiu ponuku.
Znížte svoje náklady a ušetrite až 72 % na softvéri technickej podpory s LiveAgentom.
Riešenie “všetko v jednom”
Získajte prístup k plne vybavenému viackanálovému tiketing systému, ktorý dokáže spracovať najobľúbenejšie zákaznícke kanály. Poskytujte podporu prostredníctvom e-mailu, hovorov, live chatu, zákazníckeho portálu s vedomostnou základňou alebo sociálnych médií ako Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp alebo Viber. Využite výhody 130+ funkcií a 150+ integrácií.
Vyskúšajte všetko, čo ponúkame, s bezplatnou 30-dňovou skúšobnou verziou
Pozrite sa, ako si LiveAgent vedie oproti iným alternatívnym popredným riešeniam na trhu.
Plne transparentný, žiadne skryté informácie.
Features | LiveAgent
Try the best help desk alternative for free! No credit card required.
| Zendesk
Zendesk competitor.
| Freshdesk
Freshdesk competitor.
| LiveChat
LiveChat competitor.
| Intercom
Intercom competitor.
Connects with multiple lines of communication (such as email, live chat, a call center, or social media) to streamline all messages, and allow users to respond to them from the ticketing software.
| Small
Included in the Small plan that costs $15 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Professional plan that costs $59 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Starter plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Starter plan that costs $79 for first agent per month. Every additional agent costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
A native live chat widget that can be deployed on your site and used for real-time communication with your website visitors.
Included in the Medium plan that costs $29 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Available as an Add-on feature for $15-59 per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Garden plan that costs $45 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Starter plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
| Enterprise
On-demand pricing
Included in the plans with pricing on demand.
Built-in Call Center
A virtual call center with a centralized dashboard for making, receiving, and managing calls.
Included in the Large plan that costs $49 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Available as an Add-on feature for $45 per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Estate plan that costs $85 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature.
Intercom doesn't offer this feature.
Facebook & Twitter
An integration that fetches all Tweets, comments, mentions, and Facebook messages and transforms them into tickets that can be answered directly from the software.
Available as an Add-on feature for $39 per month per account, or in Large plan for $49/month/agent. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Team plan that costs $25 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature.
| Enterprise
On-demand pricing
Included in the plans with pricing on demand.
Rules & Automation
Automation rules that can be implemented to speed up customer support processes.
Included in the Small plan that costs $15 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Team plan that costs $25 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Garden plan that costs $45 per agent per month, or can be added on. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature.
On-demand pricing
Included in the plans with pricing on demand.
Business Hours & SLAs
A feature that enables you to manage and monitor SLA logs, SLA compliance, and set business hours.
Included in the Small plan that costs $15 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Professional plan that costs $59 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature.
Intercom doesn't offer this feature.
Audit Logs
An activity log that records all actions done within the help desk system.
Included in the Large plan that costs $49 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Zendesk doesn't offer this feature.
| Estate
Included in the Estate plan that costs $65 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature.
Intercom doesn't offer this feature.
Unlimited History
An unlimited ticketing viewing history. (You don't lose access to tickets after a certain time period.)
Included in the Small plan that costs $15 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
| Team
Included in the Team plan that costs $25 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Team plan that costs $39 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Starter plan that costs $79 for first agent per month. Every additional agent costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Remove Branding
Option to use a white label (branding free).
| Add-on
Available as an Add-on feature for $19 per month. All prices are in USD.
Zendesk doesn't offer this feature.
| Blossom
Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Included in the Business plan that costs $59 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Intercom doesn't offer this feature.
24/7 Personalized Success Team
A dedicated customer success team that's assigned to you and available to help 24/7 365 across all communication channels.
Included in the Small plan that costs $15 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Zendesk doesn't offer this feature.
| Blossom
Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
| Starter
Included in the Starter plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Intercom doesn't offer this feature.
Ak máte otázky, máme odpovede.
Pozrite si najčastejšie otázky týkajúce sa cenovej kalkulačky helpdesku.
Kľúčové poznatky
Zistite viac o vplyve zákazníckej podpory na zákazníkov a vašu firmu. Pozrite si štatistiky zákazníckej podpory a profitujte zo zistení. Hlavné oblasti výskumu zahŕňajú vplyv na podnikanie, kľúčové štatistiky o kanáloch zákazníckej podpory a správanie zákazníkov v rôznych situáciách.
a oveľa viac…
Help desk softvér pre podnikateľov
Rozšírte svoje podnikanie s LiveAgent, top hodnoteným help desk softvérom roku 2020. Zlepšite zákaznícku podporu s pokročilými funkciami, viackanálovou komunikáciou a 24/7 dostupnosťou. Začnite s 30-dňovou bezplatnou skúšobnou verziou a pripojte sa k lídrom ako Huawei a BMW. Bez skrytých poplatkov, len efektívna podpora za pevnú mesačnú cenu.
Zažite vynikajúcu zákaznícku podporu s LiveAgent live chat softvérom, ktorý zvyšuje angažovanosť klientov bez poplatkov za nastavenie a potreby kreditnej karty. Vyskúšajte 14-dňovú bezplatnú verziu a objavte, prečo viac než 35,000 spoločností dôveruje našim pokročilým funkciám pre okamžité pripojenie a zlepšenie spokojnosti zákazníkov. Začnite teraz!
Potrebujete zlepšiť svoj zákaznícky servis?
Zlepšite svoj zákaznícky servis s LiveAgent! Objavte tipy na udržanie ľudského spojenia, aj keď využívate automatizáciu a chatboty. Naučte sa merať spokojnosť zákazníkov pomocou CSAT, NPS, CES a FRT, poskytujte personalizované služby a ponúkajte viackanálovú podporu. Začnite bezplatnú skúšobnú verziu a posuňte svoje služby na vyššiu úroveň.
Help desk softvér pre agentúry
Upútajte pozornosť Vášho klienta dramatickým znížením prevádzkových úloh pomocou LiveAgent, najlepšie hodnoteného softvéru technickej podpory pre malé a stredné podniky v roku 2023.
Join our community of happy clients and provide excellent customer support with LiveAgent.
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